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Our projects

The Greater Manchester Learning Provider Network are currently involved in the delivery of a range of different projects. The projects work to bring benefit to our members and the Greater Manchester skills system.

We are currently delivering the following projects, click on them to find out more.




Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge

AoC Mental Health

Increasing Opportunities in Autistic People

Concluded Projects

We have successfully delivered a number of projects, which have now concluded. You can find more information below:


GM Apprenticeship Ambassador Programme

The Apprenticeship Ambassador programme is an Apprenticeship information service for schools in Greater Manchester which utilised apprentices’ who have volunteered to share their first-hand knowledge and experience of Apprenticeships as a route into a successful career.

The premise of the programme was that the best people to promote Apprenticeships to young people in Greater Manchester schools are young people undertaking an Apprenticeship. The project was uniquely positioned to provide an insight into Apprenticeships and Traineeships by mobilising real apprentices to share their personal experiences with students who are typically only a few years younger than the ambassadors. Other CEIAG projects provide high quality information, advice and guidance but only the Apprenticeship Ambassador programme promotes the pathway using those who have chosen that route.

Click here to read the final report. 


#SEEDIFFERENT - The GM Apprenticeship Hub

The Greater Manchester Apprenticeship Hub brought together partners from across the city region, working together to increase the scale, breadth and quality of Apprenticeships in Greater Manchester.

The Apprenticeship Hub website was used as a hub of information for all things Apprenticeships across Greater Manchester. The aim was to not reprouduce materials and information that is already out there, but to collate it in one place.

We utilised 4 main social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. GMLPN used these to make information easily accessible to all the stakeholder audiences.



ETF Professional Exchange

The Professional Exchange Project was funded by the Education and Training Foundation. The project brought FE Staff including senior managers and practitoners together to work togetherm, learn from each other, discuss challenged and share best practices. GMLPN facilitated meetings across 3 years for the following groups:

  • Assessment to Training
  • Delivering Digital Standards
  • English, Maths and Digital
  • Equality and Diversity
  • Improving Quality
  • New and Growing Training Providers
  • Recruiting Learners
  • Safeguarding
  • Work Placements

The project engaged with 604 direct participants through the meetings from 185 organisations, with a further 435 indirect participants engaged through the learning being passed on by colleagues involved in the meetings. Key outputs of the projects included a number of resource banks created by the sharing of best practice and the development of key action lists/check lists that providers come implement in their own organisations.


GM Search and Apply

The aim for the project was to increase participation in post-16 education and training and to raise the profile of Apprenticeships amongst young people in Greater Manchester.

This intiative:

  • Helped providers to list their course information on UCAS progress System
  • Encouraged more providers to engage with the UCA Progress System
  • Increased the numbers of young people searching and applying for a range of opportunities
  • Actively promoted and the supported the use of the system
  • Developed a process to support young people who express an interest in Apprenticeships and Traineeships

Click here to read the final report



Traineeships Toolkit

The aim of the Toolkit was to increase the number of Traineeship starts in Greater Manchester and as a consquence increase the number of trainees progressing into Apprenticeships.

Furthermore, by improving the quality of Traineeship delivery a higher proportion of trainees will stay and complete the programme and a high proportion will be ready to progress to an Apprenticeship.

The achieve these aims the project had four key elements

  • A series of seven masterclasses were delivered, which supported Traineeship providers to enhance their deliver with the aim of increasing their progression rates to Apprenticeships, The masterclsses covered topics which intended to support recuitment, delivery, employer engagement and work placements.
  • Information sessions were delivered to referral agencies including JCP, Career Connect and Positive Steps. The sessions were aimed at increasing the number of referrals by raising awareness of Traineeships amongst advisors an signposting them to resources on the Traineeship Toolkit.
  • We maintained and updated the Traineeship Toolkit to ensure that it remained accurate and relevant for providers and referral agencies.
  • We also produced 7 Video Case Studies deaturing apprentices who had progressed to their current role from a Traineeship. These were developed as a resource to inform, inspire and motivate other young people to consider a Traineeship as a pathway into an Apprenticeship.

Demonstrating IMPACT Programme

The Demonstrating IMPACT Programme was engineered to support learning providers to meet the needs of business and demonstrate to employers that the learning solutions they offer have a real value and will provide a return on investment regarding skills.

The Programme set out to support learning providers in Greater Manchester to be more responsive to employers and able to demonstrate Return on Investment to employers.

The Programme was tasked with engaging with 35 Training Providers.

The Programme involved the deliver of masterclasses, coaching and peer to peer support. GMLPN have previously taken this model and broadened it to help deliver the Provider Support Programme.


The Greater Manchester Skills Gateway Service

The Greater Manchester Skills Gateway provided a service to businesses that they understand and value. There are 3 strands of work: an Independent Referral Service, Skills Catalogue and Media Campaign, all linked and interdependent.


    The Greater Manchester Skills Ambassador Programme

    The Greater Manchester Skills Ambassador Programme recruited business leaders to promote the benefits of investing in skills to other Greater Manchester employers – at business forums and networking events.


    “I am the Mental Health Champion at Apprentify. I undertook the Mental Health First Aider training programme so that I could support others correctly, raise awareness and be proactive in developing a positive and healthy working environment. As an organisation, all staff undertake a mental health awareness course each year however, in my role as champion, I wanted to go beyond awareness and gain a deeper understanding of the issues as well as obtain the tools and resources needed to meaningfully support others.”

    SallyAnne Coleman