About Us
Established in 2006, GMLPN have been dedicated to supporting its members for almost 20 years.
As one of the largest provider networks in the country, our diverse membership includes Independent Training Providers, Further Education Colleges, Community Providers, Universities, Awarding Organisations, Local Authorities, and key sector partners, primarily located across Greater Manchester.
GMLPN members play a crucial role in supporting residents, businesses and communities throughout the region, delivering high-quality vocational and technical education including Apprenticeships, Skills Bootcamps, T Levels, Adult Education Budget, and Pre-Employment Programmes.
By fostering close links with key partners and stakeholders, together we work to align the needs of employers, individuals, communities and providers, ensuring that our combined effort has positive, meaningful and long-term impact across Greater Manchester.

You can find out more about the benefits of joining GMLPN here
Our Vision
Working with our members and partners, our visions is to secure an outstanding education, skills and employment system for Greater Manchester