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MILE College

Get to know MILE College

MILE College is establishing as a private higher education college within the further education sector in June 2020. We act as a feeder institution to higher educational institutions and intend to provide transition opportunities to higher education for under or unprivileged students who were unable to continue their studies. MILE College will provide an inspirational environment that promotes personal development along with academic learning to assist learners achieve their very best in life and work. We develop our teaching and learning model based on stimulating growth mind-set philosophy, where every learner is challenged and encouraged to recognise and grow their potential. Our learner-centred curriculum will offer foundation-level degree programmes in Business and Health & Social care programs. The institution will run in collaboration, partnership or as a franchise to Universities to prepare students for making transition to University-level education.

Provision from MILE College

Higher Education

Contact MILE College

  • 0161 691 1089